On a personal note…
Anything in life worthwhile takes a lot of effort, motivation and determination! Think about it. Whether it being going to work, relationships, finding time to exercise, cooking a meal, running a marathon, it all takes huge amounts of work and discipline! It is the same with changing your way of eating, breaking the bad habits.
One of my major accomplishments (out of a handful), in my lifetime so far was giving up cigarettes! Hard to believe I was a pack a day smoker for years (so long ago, I almost forgot I used to smoke)! Anyway, giving up the sweets reminded me of that awful smoking addiction, the first two weeks of cold turkey were certainly the hardest. It did get easier! I often think that some people think I am obsessed with my new eating regime! When I reflect on my smoking history - Oh, I’ll just have one cigarette and then I would have another and before I knew it I was smoking again and would have to start all over again – 2 more weeks of hell. I guess that scenario helps me keep it all in perspective and helps me keep away from my downfalls, especially the sweets! During the Holiday season, I did indulge a few times, probably a few too many, but with weighing myself almost everyday, being extra careful the next meal and keeping up with my exercises I was able to maintain my weight! Keep stepping away from the temptations and lunge into a HEATHY HAPPPY NEW YEAR!
Cheers and a SIP of Champagne!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
You know that part of your arm that jiggles when you wave! I do this exercise with my 6-pound medicine ball, but feel free to use your weights/dumbbells, with whatever pound you are comfortable with.
You can do these standing or seated. I prefer standing because when I am done with these I use my medicine ball to do my squats. Whichever way you prefer you need to keep your upper body straight, come on use those abdominal muscles! Hold the weight in both hands and take the weight straight up overhead with the arms next to the ears.
Lower the weight behind your head until elbows are at about 90 degree angles.
Squeeze the triceps to straighten the arms without locking the joints. Slowly return to the original position. Do as many as you can and just keep adding more each time you do them! Before you know it you will be proud to go sleeveless and wave!
You know that part of your arm that jiggles when you wave! I do this exercise with my 6-pound medicine ball, but feel free to use your weights/dumbbells, with whatever pound you are comfortable with.
You can do these standing or seated. I prefer standing because when I am done with these I use my medicine ball to do my squats. Whichever way you prefer you need to keep your upper body straight, come on use those abdominal muscles! Hold the weight in both hands and take the weight straight up overhead with the arms next to the ears.
Lower the weight behind your head until elbows are at about 90 degree angles.
Squeeze the triceps to straighten the arms without locking the joints. Slowly return to the original position. Do as many as you can and just keep adding more each time you do them! Before you know it you will be proud to go sleeveless and wave!
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Now that everyone is deciding to watch what they eat after Xmas so they look good for News Years, what do they do ... torment the rest of us and bring in their leftover cookies to the office! I was explaining this scenario to my friend (who will remain anonymous) and she gave me a great tip that I need to share. "Think of all of it being baked in dirty kitchens." I walk by these evil cookies and LOL! It's all about playing mind games with your self - whatever works! I used to walk by the cupcakes, wave and say, "You look mighty tasty today" and kept on walking! Just think it will all be over soon, when everyone really decides to go on the diets and get rid of all the bad things in their own homes! I know I've done it.
One of the biggest mistakes I used to make over the Holidays was “I’m not going to think about what I am eating and worry about it on January 1st,” that proved to add at least 10 pounds to my waistline every year! This year I took one day, one meal and one snack at a time. I chose my battles the best I could and if I did splurge at one meal, I was very cautious at the next!
Now that everyone is deciding to watch what they eat after Xmas so they look good for News Years, what do they do ... torment the rest of us and bring in their leftover cookies to the office! I was explaining this scenario to my friend (who will remain anonymous) and she gave me a great tip that I need to share. "Think of all of it being baked in dirty kitchens." I walk by these evil cookies and LOL! It's all about playing mind games with your self - whatever works! I used to walk by the cupcakes, wave and say, "You look mighty tasty today" and kept on walking! Just think it will all be over soon, when everyone really decides to go on the diets and get rid of all the bad things in their own homes! I know I've done it.
One of the biggest mistakes I used to make over the Holidays was “I’m not going to think about what I am eating and worry about it on January 1st,” that proved to add at least 10 pounds to my waistline every year! This year I took one day, one meal and one snack at a time. I chose my battles the best I could and if I did splurge at one meal, I was very cautious at the next!
Monday, December 28, 2009
Our Xmas Brunch…
LATKES – potato pancakes, since we didn’t have the Goose Xmas Eve, I was spared the latkes made in goose fat! Bob made a healthy version, potatoes, onions, 1 tablespoon of whole-wheat flour and 1 egg. He sautéed the mixture over a very high heat skillet using the cooking sprays. A slice of Canadian bacon and a sunny side up egg, a new inspired version of eggs benedict!
LATKES – potato pancakes, since we didn’t have the Goose Xmas Eve, I was spared the latkes made in goose fat! Bob made a healthy version, potatoes, onions, 1 tablespoon of whole-wheat flour and 1 egg. He sautéed the mixture over a very high heat skillet using the cooking sprays. A slice of Canadian bacon and a sunny side up egg, a new inspired version of eggs benedict!
Friday, December 25, 2009
Xmas Eve continued…
OMG! The Trout was amazing! Bob smoked the trout in our camerons stovetop smoker with hickory chips – not too many, as to not to overpower the trout. With only a teaspoon of oil he sautéed and steamed the haricot vert and then added the toasted almonds, we also had some roasted fingerling potatoes. Watch out Goose, the Trout might have won a new Xmas Eve tradition. Thank you Bob for another perfectly executed meal and making it healthy. I am believing that everything isn't better with butter!!!!
We missed you Nancy and Brian! Thank you Bruce and Suzanne for dessert, the cookies with splenda were delicious! (I will not reveal how many I had, could be one could be the whole jar).
Xmas Brunch to follow…
OMG! The Trout was amazing! Bob smoked the trout in our camerons stovetop smoker with hickory chips – not too many, as to not to overpower the trout. With only a teaspoon of oil he sautéed and steamed the haricot vert and then added the toasted almonds, we also had some roasted fingerling potatoes. Watch out Goose, the Trout might have won a new Xmas Eve tradition. Thank you Bob for another perfectly executed meal and making it healthy. I am believing that everything isn't better with butter!!!!
We missed you Nancy and Brian! Thank you Bruce and Suzanne for dessert, the cookies with splenda were delicious! (I will not reveal how many I had, could be one could be the whole jar).
Xmas Brunch to follow…
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Our Goose went south this year!
It saddens me to say that our Xmas Goose tradition is not going to happen this year, I won’t bore you with the details :-(. Instead it is just Bob and myself and he found some beautiful looking trout! All I know is that there will be smoking involved and some haricot vert (French term for green string beans) and almonds. It sounds like it could be a healthy version of TROUT AMANDINE!
Enjoy, but be careful of indulging!
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Hallway lunges…
People think I am crazy, but I am determined to find ways to keep in shape during the Winter. We have some long hallways at work and I decided if I am not pressed by time, I will lunge my way down the corridors; I try and do these every other day! It is the quintessential butt-shaping and thigh and hip-trimming exercise! Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and keep your core stable. Take a large step forward with your left foot. Inhale as you sink down until your thigh forms a right angle with your shins. Exhale as you push back up through your front heel, return to starting position. Do the same with your right foot and eventually you will make it to your destination!
People think I am crazy, but I am determined to find ways to keep in shape during the Winter. We have some long hallways at work and I decided if I am not pressed by time, I will lunge my way down the corridors; I try and do these every other day! It is the quintessential butt-shaping and thigh and hip-trimming exercise! Stand with your feet shoulder width apart and keep your core stable. Take a large step forward with your left foot. Inhale as you sink down until your thigh forms a right angle with your shins. Exhale as you push back up through your front heel, return to starting position. Do the same with your right foot and eventually you will make it to your destination!
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Oven Baked Spanish Tortilla…
These are so easy to make, great for breakfast and also a great tapas dish for entertaining.
This recipe serves 16 tapas size!
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
Spray a skillet with oil and add 1 diced red bell pepper, 1 diced yellow bell pepper, and 1 large clove of garlic and some scallions, onions or leaks.
Beat 5 large eggs together with 1/2-cup fat free yogurt, 4 ounces of manchego cheese, chives if you have them, and 1 large potato, boiled, peeled and diced. Stir in the sautéed veggies and season with salt and pepper to taste. We also add the smoked Spanish paprika for additional flavor. Prepare your baking pan with foil, spray with oil and pour the mixture onto the baking pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown, puffed, and set in the center. Remove from the oven and let cool and set. Run a spatula around the edges, then invert onto a cutting board, browned side up and peel off the foil. If you want to add some heat, just dice up a jalapeno or cayenne pepper to the mix! Keep in mind there is cheese involved and not to over indulge.
These are so easy to make, great for breakfast and also a great tapas dish for entertaining.
This recipe serves 16 tapas size!
Pre-heat oven to 375 degrees
Spray a skillet with oil and add 1 diced red bell pepper, 1 diced yellow bell pepper, and 1 large clove of garlic and some scallions, onions or leaks.
Beat 5 large eggs together with 1/2-cup fat free yogurt, 4 ounces of manchego cheese, chives if you have them, and 1 large potato, boiled, peeled and diced. Stir in the sautéed veggies and season with salt and pepper to taste. We also add the smoked Spanish paprika for additional flavor. Prepare your baking pan with foil, spray with oil and pour the mixture onto the baking pan. Bake for 30-40 minutes, or until golden brown, puffed, and set in the center. Remove from the oven and let cool and set. Run a spatula around the edges, then invert onto a cutting board, browned side up and peel off the foil. If you want to add some heat, just dice up a jalapeno or cayenne pepper to the mix! Keep in mind there is cheese involved and not to over indulge.
Monday, December 21, 2009
Splurge at the Farmers Market…
My 50-cent carrots - purple, orange and yellow, a beautiful healthy sunrise! I came home, washed them, and sprayed a baking sheet with oil, salt and pepper to taste, set the oven at 375 degrees and baked for 35 minutes. I also found some cute mini sweet potatoes that I added to the mix. Now if I can just willpower myself not to eat them all before I make a big salad, they will make for a tasty and vibrant addition (they really are beautiful when you cut them)!
BTW from 12/18/09…
I was able to find the Marukan unseasoned Rice Wine Vinegar at Broadway Supermarket (4879 North Broadway). Sorry – I got the last one, I hope it is just a seasonal thing!
My 50-cent carrots - purple, orange and yellow, a beautiful healthy sunrise! I came home, washed them, and sprayed a baking sheet with oil, salt and pepper to taste, set the oven at 375 degrees and baked for 35 minutes. I also found some cute mini sweet potatoes that I added to the mix. Now if I can just willpower myself not to eat them all before I make a big salad, they will make for a tasty and vibrant addition (they really are beautiful when you cut them)!
BTW from 12/18/09…
I was able to find the Marukan unseasoned Rice Wine Vinegar at Broadway Supermarket (4879 North Broadway). Sorry – I got the last one, I hope it is just a seasonal thing!
Friday, December 18, 2009

My convenient Asian market is out of my two favorite items that I am in desperate need of! Off to find Rice Vinegar (unseasoned) and Ponzo, which is a citrus marinade. Both have zero calories and are a great addition to many of my vinaigrettes!
To Be Continued...
(will let you know what I find)
Until Monday – keep thinking Veggies and Protein!
Thursday, December 17, 2009
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” This old adage may be truer than you think! There have been many studies that apples can help control weight gain, lower the risk of heart disease and fight cancer. Me, well I just plain love apples. I usually go for some kind of fruit for a morning snack and tis the season for apples! Also, tis the season for crazy-fattening foods everywhere, as much as I would love to grab a cookie, a handful of caramel popcorn, Holiday chocolates, I am trying my best to stay focused and go for the healthy options – grab an apple!!!!
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” This old adage may be truer than you think! There have been many studies that apples can help control weight gain, lower the risk of heart disease and fight cancer. Me, well I just plain love apples. I usually go for some kind of fruit for a morning snack and tis the season for apples! Also, tis the season for crazy-fattening foods everywhere, as much as I would love to grab a cookie, a handful of caramel popcorn, Holiday chocolates, I am trying my best to stay focused and go for the healthy options – grab an apple!!!!
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Let's get some more of those big muscles burning! I added something new to my workout routine - squats! Since the weather has turned cold and icy, going outside isn't as much fun! I still want to keep my quads, glutes and hamstrings in shape, so squats are a great alternative. To also work the inner thigh try standing with your feet turned out in a 45 degree angle and a bit wider then shoulder-width apart. Inhale and bring your body weight back on your heels, squat down while pushing your butt out! Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor, exhale as you push through your heels and squeeze your butt to rise up. This is also a great way to maintain balance and strengthen your core! Start off slow and when you get comfortable go ahead and add some weights! 2010 - bathing suit?
Let's get some more of those big muscles burning! I added something new to my workout routine - squats! Since the weather has turned cold and icy, going outside isn't as much fun! I still want to keep my quads, glutes and hamstrings in shape, so squats are a great alternative. To also work the inner thigh try standing with your feet turned out in a 45 degree angle and a bit wider then shoulder-width apart. Inhale and bring your body weight back on your heels, squat down while pushing your butt out! Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor, exhale as you push through your heels and squeeze your butt to rise up. This is also a great way to maintain balance and strengthen your core! Start off slow and when you get comfortable go ahead and add some weights! 2010 - bathing suit?
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
High Heat – Quick Cook…
Thank you darling Husband for a fabulous dinner last night - a wonderful medley of fresh vegetables and Mexican white shrimps. I observed with a keen eye so that I maybe able to prepare this myself! Fresh ginger, garlic, red bell pepper, fresh squeezed lemon, shitake mushrooms, leeks, baby broccoli, shredded cabbage and shredded carrots, 1 teaspoon of low sodium soy sauce, EVOO spray and salt and pepper to taste. A quick sauté over high heat or if prepared in a wok – you could call it stir-fry! Spice it up with some sriracha hot chili sauce, have a nice glass of red wine, and my favorite company makes for a fabulous dinner at home!
Thank you darling Husband for a fabulous dinner last night - a wonderful medley of fresh vegetables and Mexican white shrimps. I observed with a keen eye so that I maybe able to prepare this myself! Fresh ginger, garlic, red bell pepper, fresh squeezed lemon, shitake mushrooms, leeks, baby broccoli, shredded cabbage and shredded carrots, 1 teaspoon of low sodium soy sauce, EVOO spray and salt and pepper to taste. A quick sauté over high heat or if prepared in a wok – you could call it stir-fry! Spice it up with some sriracha hot chili sauce, have a nice glass of red wine, and my favorite company makes for a fabulous dinner at home!
Monday, December 14, 2009
AHHHH the ease of “salad in a bag”…
A must have on hand at all times. It is my lunch at least four times a week. You can find these at just about every food market. All different blends. Right now my favorite is the Trader Joe’s CHAMPS ELYSEES – green leaf lettuce, frisee, radicchio and carrots. All I need take to work with me is my bag of salad, maybe some tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and of course a portion of protein. My protein might be a can of tuna, or leftover smoked chicken. If I didn’t have time to make my own vinaigrette, I always have a lemon on hand with my spray salad dressing.
A must have on hand at all times. It is my lunch at least four times a week. You can find these at just about every food market. All different blends. Right now my favorite is the Trader Joe’s CHAMPS ELYSEES – green leaf lettuce, frisee, radicchio and carrots. All I need take to work with me is my bag of salad, maybe some tomatoes, cucumbers, bell peppers, and of course a portion of protein. My protein might be a can of tuna, or leftover smoked chicken. If I didn’t have time to make my own vinaigrette, I always have a lemon on hand with my spray salad dressing.
Friday, December 11, 2009
I used to be about the worst person in the world at taking any kind of vitamins, let alone pills. I would take them on and off and on and off for years. I have finally, in my forever fifty years, found the solution for me! CHEWABLES! It started with the viativ calcium chews in chocolate or caramel and gummie multi vitamins. OOPS! Those were high in both calories and sugar. Thank you GURU for finding the Kirkland’s sugar free chocolate calcium chews for me. Thank you Trader Joe’s – love the Trader Darwin’s chewable multi vitamins. I have been taking them both consistently for months! A record for me!
Until Monday – remember eat lot’s of veggies and protein!
I used to be about the worst person in the world at taking any kind of vitamins, let alone pills. I would take them on and off and on and off for years. I have finally, in my forever fifty years, found the solution for me! CHEWABLES! It started with the viativ calcium chews in chocolate or caramel and gummie multi vitamins. OOPS! Those were high in both calories and sugar. Thank you GURU for finding the Kirkland’s sugar free chocolate calcium chews for me. Thank you Trader Joe’s – love the Trader Darwin’s chewable multi vitamins. I have been taking them both consistently for months! A record for me!
Until Monday – remember eat lot’s of veggies and protein!
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Stir Fry…
Out to dinner with friends to celebrate the Holidays at one of my favorite restaurants – Big Bowl, (http://www.bigbowl.com/). They have a stir fry bar which is so fabulous you basically get to make your own dinner! You grab a bowl and go up to the vegetable bar which is mostly raw fresh veggies and fill the red bowl with as much as you can possible fit into in! I start with the edameme, loads of mushrooms, eggplant, bamboo shoot, water chestnuts, cilantro, zucchini, green onions, red onions, broccoli, bok choy, carrots, bell peppers, bean sprouts and snow peas. (I might have left out an item or two). You get a choice of a protein and I usually go for the tofu because I know it isn’t marinated in anything. I get the Chinese garlic ginger sauce on the side, which is the lightest sauce, use it very sparingly and brown rice also on the side. There is always garlic chili sauce on the table which is one of my favorite condiments. The clincher to this story is – I have the restaurant steam my vegetables instead of stir frying them in any kind of oil. It is delicious, and I know I am getting something fresh and healthy and I can still go out and enjoy great food with even greater company!
Out to dinner with friends to celebrate the Holidays at one of my favorite restaurants – Big Bowl, (http://www.bigbowl.com/). They have a stir fry bar which is so fabulous you basically get to make your own dinner! You grab a bowl and go up to the vegetable bar which is mostly raw fresh veggies and fill the red bowl with as much as you can possible fit into in! I start with the edameme, loads of mushrooms, eggplant, bamboo shoot, water chestnuts, cilantro, zucchini, green onions, red onions, broccoli, bok choy, carrots, bell peppers, bean sprouts and snow peas. (I might have left out an item or two). You get a choice of a protein and I usually go for the tofu because I know it isn’t marinated in anything. I get the Chinese garlic ginger sauce on the side, which is the lightest sauce, use it very sparingly and brown rice also on the side. There is always garlic chili sauce on the table which is one of my favorite condiments. The clincher to this story is – I have the restaurant steam my vegetables instead of stir frying them in any kind of oil. It is delicious, and I know I am getting something fresh and healthy and I can still go out and enjoy great food with even greater company!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Sweet dreams for the Winter...
OK there goes my daily 40 minutes of cardio! The first snow came on Monday and I now have to let my bike hibernate for the Winter. SO SAD! It was so wonderful riding it to work just about everyday throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall! A great form of exercise and the best way to get around Chicago! Time to start getting on the treadmill and stationary bike. I will wait patiently for the snow to melt away and the black ice to dissipate. Back on the bus, the only benefit - reading time!
OK there goes my daily 40 minutes of cardio! The first snow came on Monday and I now have to let my bike hibernate for the Winter. SO SAD! It was so wonderful riding it to work just about everyday throughout the Spring, Summer and Fall! A great form of exercise and the best way to get around Chicago! Time to start getting on the treadmill and stationary bike. I will wait patiently for the snow to melt away and the black ice to dissipate. Back on the bus, the only benefit - reading time!
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Giving up the sweets…
I often get asked how hard was it to stay away from the sweets. I will not lie - It was not easy. It took an enormous amount of willpower!! Especially the first week, I swear, there were cupcakes everywhere I looked! It’s just like giving up anything that has addicting power – just give it at least two weeks and it will get easier. Once in awhile when I do get the craving I will go for a snack pack of almonds, perhaps an apple or baby carrots and yogurt dip I might have on hand. It is getting hard again because the Holiday season is upon us. RESTRAIN - RESTRAIN - RESTRAIN. I will not admit to doing this, but, if you must - have a teeny tiny bite and throw the rest away!!!!
I often get asked how hard was it to stay away from the sweets. I will not lie - It was not easy. It took an enormous amount of willpower!! Especially the first week, I swear, there were cupcakes everywhere I looked! It’s just like giving up anything that has addicting power – just give it at least two weeks and it will get easier. Once in awhile when I do get the craving I will go for a snack pack of almonds, perhaps an apple or baby carrots and yogurt dip I might have on hand. It is getting hard again because the Holiday season is upon us. RESTRAIN - RESTRAIN - RESTRAIN. I will not admit to doing this, but, if you must - have a teeny tiny bite and throw the rest away!!!!
Monday, December 7, 2009
I was never a big fan of salmon and just started eating it a few years ago because of the health benefits of the famous omega 3. I would only eat it at home when my husband would prepare it for me. It all started with salmon planked on the grill. I very seldom order it in a restaurant because it is usually overcooked and/or drenched in butter or oil. Now that we have the camrons stovetop smoker, (www.cameronssmoker.com) I have salmon at least once a week, not including the cans I sometimes have for lunch over a bag of salad greens. I have even made the smoked salmon for company – yes me! Trader Joe’s has a wonderful frozen wild caught Sockeye salmon and when in season the wild caught frozen Copper River salmon is exceptional! So easy, just some salt and pepper to taste, add some portobello mushrooms to the smoker, steam up some broccolini (baby broccoli), have some quartered lemons and what a dinner! You can also make a fabulous dill sauce with the fat free Greek yogurt, dill and lemon! Paired with a nice Pinot Noir and there you have it - one of the healthiest meals I have I weekly.
I was never a big fan of salmon and just started eating it a few years ago because of the health benefits of the famous omega 3. I would only eat it at home when my husband would prepare it for me. It all started with salmon planked on the grill. I very seldom order it in a restaurant because it is usually overcooked and/or drenched in butter or oil. Now that we have the camrons stovetop smoker, (www.cameronssmoker.com) I have salmon at least once a week, not including the cans I sometimes have for lunch over a bag of salad greens. I have even made the smoked salmon for company – yes me! Trader Joe’s has a wonderful frozen wild caught Sockeye salmon and when in season the wild caught frozen Copper River salmon is exceptional! So easy, just some salt and pepper to taste, add some portobello mushrooms to the smoker, steam up some broccolini (baby broccoli), have some quartered lemons and what a dinner! You can also make a fabulous dill sauce with the fat free Greek yogurt, dill and lemon! Paired with a nice Pinot Noir and there you have it - one of the healthiest meals I have I weekly.
Friday, December 4, 2009
Lentil soup...
So I made my very first batch of turkey stock from our Thanksgiving bird. I finally found a rutabaga, added a bag of dried (green) lentils, leaks, carrots, parsnips and arugula and had myself some tasty lentil soup. I also used one of my spicy smoked pork tenderloin portions from last night and yummy, my soup had a nice flavorful kick to it! Lentils are a wonderful healthy food, but keep in mind they are not necessarily low in calories, yet filling, so you only need a little anyway. I had my veggies, my protein and a healthy portion of lentils, again, another one pot meal for me!
Until Monday, remember eat lot's veggies and protein...it gets easier!
So I made my very first batch of turkey stock from our Thanksgiving bird. I finally found a rutabaga, added a bag of dried (green) lentils, leaks, carrots, parsnips and arugula and had myself some tasty lentil soup. I also used one of my spicy smoked pork tenderloin portions from last night and yummy, my soup had a nice flavorful kick to it! Lentils are a wonderful healthy food, but keep in mind they are not necessarily low in calories, yet filling, so you only need a little anyway. I had my veggies, my protein and a healthy portion of lentils, again, another one pot meal for me!
Until Monday, remember eat lot's veggies and protein...it gets easier!
Thursday, December 3, 2009
If I’m not roasting, I’m smoking!
Get out the cameron’s stovetop smoker I hope you have by now! If not - Christmas is around the corner, (http://www.cameronssmoker.com/). I smoked 2 pork tenderloins last night. I ate half of one and portioned off the rest for future meals. All I did was clean up the pork, cut away as much fat as possible and seasoned. Tonight I used salt, pepper, smoked Spanish paprika, smoked chipotle chile pepper and a dash of habanero chile pepper and some back of the yards garlic pepper. I can’t say enough about the spice house, (http://www.thespicehouse.com/), now one of my favorite Chicago stop and shops! With the smoker and the spices, and my parsnip faux fries, it was one hell of a flavorful dinner.
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
For anyone who has an iPhone or the iPod touch…
Thank you SIL Lisa, I love this APP - iMapMyRide (free). This APP kept me motivated all Summer and Fall. I was able to use it for walking, running and biking. It let me keep my pace and distance and was especially helpful when I was just out walking around town doing errands to indicate that extra bit of a workout! Below is an example of my 4 mile loop...
Thank you SIL Lisa, I love this APP - iMapMyRide (free). This APP kept me motivated all Summer and Fall. I was able to use it for walking, running and biking. It let me keep my pace and distance and was especially helpful when I was just out walking around town doing errands to indicate that extra bit of a workout! Below is an example of my 4 mile loop...
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Quick meal...
Trader Joe's makes the best Spicy Jalapeno Chicken Sausages; one link is only 100 calories. In the Frozen vegetables there are the Fire Roasted Bell Peppers and Onions (3/4 of a cup only 30 calories). These 2 items are always a stand by in our freezer for emergency meals. I sauté a small onion, salt and pepper to taste, a glove of garlic and a dash of smoked Spanish Paprika, throw in the chicken sausage and the bag of peppers and VOILA! I cooked dinner!
Trader Joe's makes the best Spicy Jalapeno Chicken Sausages; one link is only 100 calories. In the Frozen vegetables there are the Fire Roasted Bell Peppers and Onions (3/4 of a cup only 30 calories). These 2 items are always a stand by in our freezer for emergency meals. I sauté a small onion, salt and pepper to taste, a glove of garlic and a dash of smoked Spanish Paprika, throw in the chicken sausage and the bag of peppers and VOILA! I cooked dinner!
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