Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Giving up the sweets…

I often get asked how hard was it to stay away from the sweets. I will not lie - It was not easy.  It took an enormous amount of willpower!!  Especially the first week, I swear, there were cupcakes everywhere I looked! It’s just like giving up anything that has addicting power – just give it at least two weeks and it will get easier.  Once in awhile when I do get the craving I will go for a snack pack of almonds, perhaps an apple or baby carrots and yogurt dip I might have on hand.  It is getting hard again because the Holiday season is upon us.  RESTRAIN -  RESTRAIN - RESTRAIN.  I will not admit to doing this, but, if you must - have a teeny tiny bite and throw the rest away!!!!


  1. I take one bite of cake or dessert and then shake pepper on the rest! It works well! xo Maureen
