Monday, December 21, 2009

Splurge at the Farmers Market…

My 50-cent carrots - purple, orange and yellow, a beautiful healthy sunrise!  I came home, washed them, and sprayed a baking sheet with oil, salt and pepper to taste, set the oven at 375 degrees and baked for 35 minutes.  I also found some cute mini sweet potatoes that I added to the mix.  Now if I can just willpower myself not to eat them all before I make a big salad, they will make for a tasty and vibrant addition (they really are beautiful when you cut them)!

BTW from 12/18/09…
I was able to find the Marukan unseasoned Rice Wine Vinegar at Broadway Supermarket (4879 North Broadway).  Sorry – I got the last one,  I hope it is just a seasonal thing!

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