Wednesday, December 16, 2009


Let's get some more of those big muscles burning!  I added something new to my workout routine - squats!  Since the weather has turned cold and icy, going outside isn't as much fun!  I still want to keep my quads, glutes and hamstrings in shape, so squats are a great alternative. To also work the inner thigh try standing with your feet turned out in a 45 degree angle and a bit wider then shoulder-width apart.  Inhale and bring your body weight back on your heels, squat down while pushing your butt out!  Stop when your thighs are parallel to the floor, exhale as you push through your heels and squeeze your butt to rise up.  This is also a great way to maintain balance and strengthen your core!  Start off slow and when you get comfortable go ahead and add some weights!  2010 - bathing suit?

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