Thursday, December 31, 2009

On a personal note…

Anything in life worthwhile takes a lot of effort, motivation and determination!  Think about it.  Whether it being going to work, relationships, finding time to exercise, cooking a meal, running a marathon, it all takes huge amounts of work and discipline!  It is the same with changing your way of eating, breaking the bad habits. 

One of my major accomplishments (out of a handful), in my lifetime so far was giving up cigarettes!  Hard to believe I was a pack a day smoker for years (so long ago, I almost forgot I used to smoke)!  Anyway, giving up the sweets reminded me of that awful smoking addiction, the first two weeks  of cold turkey were certainly the hardest.   It did get easier!  I often think that some people think I am obsessed with my new eating regime! When I reflect on my smoking history - Oh, I’ll just have one cigarette and then I would have another and before I knew it I was smoking again and would have to start all over again – 2 more weeks of hell.  I guess that scenario helps me keep it all in perspective and helps me keep away from my downfalls, especially the sweets!  During the Holiday season, I did indulge a few times, probably a few too many, but with weighing myself almost everyday, being extra careful the next meal and keeping up with my exercises I was able to maintain my weight! Keep stepping away from the temptations and lunge into a HEATHY HAPPPY NEW YEAR!

Cheers and a SIP of Champagne!

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