Monday, December 7, 2009


I was never a big fan of salmon and just started eating it a few years ago because of the health benefits of the famous omega 3.  I would only eat it at home when my husband would prepare it for me.  It all started with salmon planked on the grill. I very seldom order it in a restaurant because it is usually overcooked and/or drenched in butter or oil.  Now that we have the camrons stovetop smoker, ( I have salmon at least once a week, not including the cans I sometimes have for lunch over a bag of salad greens.  I have even made the smoked salmon for company – yes me!  Trader Joe’s has a wonderful frozen wild caught Sockeye salmon and when in season the wild caught frozen Copper River salmon is exceptional!  So easy, just some salt and pepper to taste, add some portobello mushrooms to the smoker, steam up some broccolini (baby broccoli), have some quartered lemons and what a dinner!  You can also make a fabulous dill sauce with the fat free Greek yogurt, dill and lemon! Paired with a nice Pinot Noir and there you have it - one of the healthiest meals I have I weekly.

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