Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Now that everyone is deciding to watch what they eat after Xmas so they look good for News Years, what do they do ... torment the rest of us and bring in their leftover cookies to the office!  I was explaining this scenario to my friend (who will remain anonymous) and she gave me a great tip that I need to share.  "Think of all of it being baked in dirty kitchens."  I walk by these evil cookies and LOL!  It's all about playing mind games with your self - whatever works!  I used to walk by the cupcakes, wave and say, "You look mighty tasty today" and kept on walking!  Just think it will all be over soon, when everyone really decides to go on the diets and get rid of all the bad things in their own homes!  I know I've done it. 

One of the biggest mistakes I used to make over the Holidays was “I’m not going to think about what I am eating and worry about it on January 1st,” that proved to add at least 10 pounds to my waistline every year!  This year I took one day, one meal and one snack at a time.  I chose my battles the best I could and if I did splurge at one meal, I was very cautious at the next!

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