Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Get Bitter (or don’t)...
I haven’t even thought of bitters until I read something in the paper and that of course triggered me to go out and get some!  I forgot how much I love the taste of the root-based Angostura.  I remember back in the day when I did some bar tending and bitters were mostly used in Old Fashions or gin infused drinks!  I just love it with some seltzer with a few drops a squeeze of lime and I have a refreshing drink!  The Angostura aromatic bitters is a highly concentrated food and beverage flavoring.  It is made from a secret formula, a unique blend of herb and spices.  There are many different flavors out there now so buyer beware of the calorie, sugar and carb counts!  The Angostura has 12 calories per 1/2 a teaspoon and 2 g carbohydrates as opposed to the flavored bitters that are 135 calories because of the added sugar!  I might have to start experimenting with it in some food recipes (will keep you posted)!

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