Wednesday, April 27, 2011

New Rules for Bike Commuters...

I am quite oblivious to the costs at the pump, but since it is all over the news these days, you can’t help but be aware!  More and more people are taking to the two wheel option for transportation!  I have been a 9 months out of the year as bike commuter for the last three years, and LOVE it!  It took some time to get used to, but I feel I have it down perfectly now!  

Thank you Shape magazine for some more helpful hints!
To get where you're going safely and in style, here are some simple rules..
1. Go chic. "You don't need to go all spandex crazy to ride your bike to work and heels are definitely okay! It's actually easier to bike in heels than it is to walk in them.  As far as what to wear, if you can walk three or four blocks in it, you can probably bike in it. 
2. Never, ever leave home without a helmet. And put a good, bright blinking red light on the back of your bike. (Red always goes on the back; use a white one if you want a light on the front.) 
3. Get a basket or a rack. "A backpack or messenger bag makes you sweat more.  Get the bag off your body — there are plenty of cool bags (panniers) that attach to racks on bikes. "This will make you look way more put together when you get to your destination and you won't have a big sweat stain on your back!

4. Keep your eyes on the tires of cars.  You can get a feel for what someone is going to do — as in, pull out of a parking spot or turn — by seeing what direction their tires are pointed in.  That split second of extra time you have by knowing what they're going to do can keep you out of trouble.  I also look in the side view mirrors of parked cars!
5. Keep your distance. Don't ride alongside a car. Instead, ride behind the right or left rear corner of the car.  You'll avoid running into the car if they try to turn or pull over.

6. Slow down, enjoy the ride. Remember that the guy walking the dog and 
talking on his cell phone just won't have enough attention bandwidth to see you, as much as you'd like him to. Plan accordingly. "And don't be a jerk. Think more Country Time lemonade commercial, less Tour de France.  
Something that has me really baffled is that I am seeing more and more people texting and  riding a bike and what about the people talking on their cell phones and riding!  I for one just don’t get it!!!!  I think I have "bike rage"!

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