Monday, April 11, 2011


One of Springs superfoods! Leeks look like cartoonishly big green onions, with a wonderfully sweet and subtle onion flavor. When braised or slowly sauteed, they melt into a sweet and creamy concoction that is hard not to love, a little extra complex flavor!  Trader Joe’s have them already cleaned and trimmed and ready to go!
They are also a workhorses in the health department as well. Like garlic, onions, scallions, chives and shallots, leeks can help the liver eliminate toxins and carcinogens. Leeks contain sulfur compounds that may protect against heart disease and some cancers, they can help the liver eliminate toxins and carcinogens.  
In the book French Women Don't Get Fat, Mireille Guilliano introduces a recipe for  "Magical Leek Soup" as part of  two day jump start to weight lose.  Yes, I tried it and it did work at the time - but I was starving!!!!  Her book also taught me a lot about portion control!  Of course I  later found out, that for me, I really just needed to learn what to not to eat and a lot more!
Regular consumption of these Allium vegetables (as little as two or more times a week, although I could certainly eat them every meal) is associated with a reduced risk of prostate and colon cancer.

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