Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Tread Rightly...

Water to gulp?  Check.
Towel to wipe up sweat?  Check.
Music to listen to? Check.

OOPS!  One more thing to consider!
Before you hit your stride, bump up the incline!  The zero setting on most machines is actually slightly downhill.  A 1.0 incline will simulate a flat surface and help you burn more calories.   
I did this yesterday and I really couldn’t feel the difference but I did burn more calories.  I also checked my treadmill out with my iHandy level app in my iPhone!   (there is an app for just about anything!) My treadmill is level at zero setting!  Bonus for me!  I usually have my treadmill set on manual so I can up my speed and incline as I see fit!  There are plenty of mornings I might challenge myself to some steep hills at a slower speed, or sprint to my imaginary finish line!
Cute story...
I have a very needy little black cat named Pooh, and sometimes in the morning she loves to follow me around and get underfoot!  Sometimes she follows me right on to the treadmill, and when I turn it on she slowly just rolls off.  One time she jumped on at a little higher speed and went flying, not in a dangerous way! I thought this would deter her from any more attempts.  But not Pooh!  The other morning she got on, rolled off and then to my surprise, just as I was ready to up the speed, she got back on and actually walked a few steps before rolling back off!  
OK - the picture is of our other cat Shmooh (Yes - Pooh and Shmooh)!  He is just a big lazy big cat that could use a good workout!

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