Friday, April 15, 2011

When most people think of peppermint, they think of a pleasant aroma or a flavoring in products such as candy, chewing gum, toothpaste, and ice cream. These are but two of the myriad of health benefits of the peppermint leaf.
One primary benefit of peppermint is its aid to the digestive system. It will calm the stomach, aid in getting more nutrition from the food, kill harmful bacteria in the stomach, and relax intestinal muscles, thus helping with a problem of cramping. An after dinner mint can reduce stomach gas and the amount of time food is in the stomach. 
Peppermint has been one of the popular herbs known since antiquity for its distinctive aroma and medicinal value. The herb has a characteristic refreshing cool breeze sensation when eaten on taste buds, palate and throat, and on nasal olfaction glands when inhaled. This unique quality of mint is due menthol, an essential oil in it.
It's starting to really feel like Spring in Chicago!  I am sure we will have a few more below normal days, but for now the idea of Spring is growing on me!  So, now is the time we are beginning to think about our herb garden.  I have kept a list of our successes and our failures, what to plant on our balcony and what not to!  One of the herbs we have been successful with is mint!  We have found that the spearmint was just a little too mild, therefore we are drawn to the peppermint for a brighter taste! I love a few leaves in my iced tea while I am enjoying the mid morning sun on the balcony or some chopped up leaves in my salad always adds a little complexity to it!

 Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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