Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Hardwood Floors and the Slipper Genie...
LOL!  I got these slipper genies for my birthday and low and behold, these microfiber slippers are great for dusting up the floor AND working out!  I always love to find new ways to do house chores and burn those calories at the same time!  The answer - slipper genies!  Thank you my dear friend Kathy for such a great gift!  
Check out my blog from March 2nd - “work out with a towel”!  I can put my towels away and voila!  I got my slippers!  I can do those planks and shine the floor!  I can slide and glide across the wooden floors and really work my legs, especially the inner thighs doing side to side glides!  Put on some jammin tunes and have fun doing those mundane chores!

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