Friday, April 1, 2011

It’s all about balance...
A few weeks ago I was at a party with people I hadn’t seen in awhile and it was fascinating to hear every ones different versions and views on how they are going about their personal “healthy” way of life!  If it takes a nutritionist, a trainer or going vegan I am not going to knock it! I am a firm believer in whatever works for you - go for it!  BUT - stick to it!  I know people don’t necessarily see my way as the right way, but it works for me!  It took me years to finally figure out that pasta, any kind of pasta, even whole wheat pasta just packs on the pound for me!  I have learned to do without it and I truly do not miss it!  I really don't feel like I am denying myself anything.  Right now I am still struggling a little bit with the post Holiday and birthday binge!  ALMOST back to my "happy" weight.  And yes - it is taking a lot longer than I anticipated.  I know eventually I will be able to indulge in my some of my favorite foods again and of course on a limited basis and as a special treat or a special occasion!  But for now - I feel the need to really focus!
Balanced eating means taking in the amount of nutrients your body needs for optimal functioning, when your body needs it, and no more. Simple to understand, hard to do! Every person requires different levels of nutrient intake, and your age, activity level, whether you're a man or woman, and your current weight all play a role in what your plate should look like. For me cutting out the fats, sugars and carbs, eating a lot of vegetable, proteins and fruits and sticking to a good exercise plan is what makes me feel great!  Stay balanced, stay focused and stick to your plan!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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