Thursday, April 14, 2011

Get out the calculator...

To trim down you do need to start getting an idea about calorie intake.  Here is a great example and some guidelines for you to think about!
1.  Multiply your weight goal by 10.  That's the minimum number of calories you ned per day without physical activity.  For example, if you weigh 160 pounds but your goal is 120, aim for no less than 1200 calories.
2. Factor in daily activity.  If you have a job that keeps you on your feet or you incorporate movement into your daily lifestyle, add another 3 calories per pound of your ideal body weight.  A nurse of busy mom who wants to weigh 120, for example, can afford an additional 360 calories a day.
3. Tack on extra exercise.  On the days you work out, add half the calories you burn to your allotted intake.  This will give you the extra energy you need to sail through a sweat session, but won't undo all your hard work.

You Ate It, Negate It!
Uno's personal deep dish cheese pizza = 2310 calories that means 3 hours of jumping rope!!!

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