Friday, May 6, 2011

22 years...
OMG!  It’s our 22nd wedding anniversary!  It’s a conundrum of what to blog about!  Today isn’t going to be about necessarily being healthy!  I am going to start the day off with a lot of extra strength training and run that extra mile or two!  But, we have been planning a very special meal all week which it is mainly focused around a special bottle of wine we got in Napa last year!  It’s a blog about the celebration of commitment! Marriage and food!   Bob and I love food, and I feel we have made strides these last few years on the road to healthier way of eating, and believe me, it hasn’t been easy, but the results have been wonderful!  We love food and with just a few alterations, we can still enjoy it all!  But there are those special occasions like our anniversary, and we are taking one of our favorite anniversary traditions to a new level!  It used to be jalapeno duck breast, wrapped in bacon, marinated in a teriyaki sauce, wild rice, asparagus and hollandaise.  Tonight we will be having the duck breast, pork belly (that Bob has been preparing for three days) over wild rice, mushrooms and a raspberry salsa also, some beautiful spring asparagus!  Most of the ingredients are still there, but the preparations are much different!  Cheers to my wonderful husband and cheers to a wonderful, not totally healthy dinner!
Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 
BTW - I think we look healthier and younger than we did 22 years ago!!!!

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