Monday, May 2, 2011


OK, this blog isn’t about food or exercise, but about the sun.  We all need our vitamin D and you only need about 10 minutes of sunshine a day to get your daily dose.  BUT, we have to protect our skin!  Now that you are on the road to living a healthy lifestyle, you want to look great and nothing tells a better story than  healthy skin!  Healthy skin leads to a younger appearance and a healthy glow!  
It’s almost here - the warm weather and lot’s of sunshine!  I was in San Diego over the weekend and got my first dose of sunshine!  I played it safe and wore a lot of sunscreen so I cold sit outside as much as possible and for once in my life I did’t get burned!
It’s no longer just about UV damage, the sun also generates free radicals that break down your collagen and elastin fibers. Anti-oxidants in ingredients like soy, green tea, and vitamin C prevent free radicals from attacking, and they boost your protection level, too. Use a souped-up sunscreen that contains the powerful antioxidant idebenone. Or make sure your daily moisturizer has antioxidants in it so you’re covered from the start, then apply sunscreen as usual.
Here’s the deal: Your body does need vitamin D to keep bones healthy and support your immune system, but supplements are the safest way to get your dose of D—without the scary side effects of sun exposure.  Even a little bit of sun causes cellular damage that can lead to aging and cancer. Have your doctor check your D level; if it’s low, discuss taking a daily supplement containing 400 to 1,000 IU.
I am going to make a real effort to play it smart this season and not burn and make sure I have plenty of sunscreen around!!!

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