Thursday, May 5, 2011

LOL!  You know you are guilty when there are mixed nuts around, what are the first to go - CASHEWS!  I know I am guilty of this :). No doubt you know that eating healthy is good for you in a plethora of ways—it can decrease your risk of disease, improve your immune system, increase your energy levels and even affect your sleeping habits. But did you know certain foods can improve the way you look, too?  Zinc is a nutrient that will give your hair and nails extra luster, strength and shine.
Zinc is another nutrient active in helping the immune system function properly, and that it plays an important role in the formation of your connective tissues. Zinc is a component of hundreds of enzymes in the body, some of which regulate the body’s ability to make new proteins that will become building blocks of healthy hair and nails.  Hair dryness and brittleness can be signs of zinc deficiency.

Foods to keep in mind: Cashews, green beans, lean beef, lobster, oysters and soybeans.

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