Friday, May 20, 2011

Seemingly Healthy Food that Isn’t Really Good For You...

I have to mention the obvious because this recently happened to me!  A very sweet person at work overheard me talking about how much LOVE Greek yogurt!  I guess he missed the Fat Free part because the next day he came in with some 2 percent flavored Greek yogurt for me!  SOOOO Sweet of him!  Way too much sugar and carbs for me!  I wasn’t as familiar with this particular brand - Chobiani, so I went on-line and they also have some fat free fruit flavored yogurt - still not as healthy!  It is an easy trap to fall into!  Just because something is fat-free doesn't make it healthy. In fact, many flavored yogurts have upwards of 15 grams of sugar in that tiny 6-ounce serving! My advice - buy your favorite plain, fat-free Greek yogurt (mine brand of choice right now is the Fage) and flavor it up with some fresh or frozen berries, that way, you control what's in it!

Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein! 

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