Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Two more weeks until my big 10 mile race!  I feel pretty confident I can do it and I am really hoping to beat my time from last year!  Running on the treadmill all winter really helped me with my speed.  Now that the sun is up when I am, I am working on the elements and taking different approaches!  My favorite of course, is the ideal situation, slightly overcast, 50 degrees and very little wind, I have my iPhone in hand with IMapMyRide app. (that way I get my pace, distance, time and minutes per mile).  Saturday was my last chance to get in my long run!  It was 40 degrees, could have rained at any moment and very windy!  I had my Apple shuffle clipped on and my Nike watch on!  I went out with the intentions of running for 2 hours and was pleased with the hour and 45 minutes that I achieved!  I just couldn’t push myself against the wind and I even had to change my route so I could get away from the lakefront where the gusts were real intense.  
During my weekday runs, I try to improve covering the same distance in less time. For example, I set out to run for 30 minutes and see how much distance I can cover instead of sometimes running for four miles harder than I can safely run. The more you train, the easier your runs will become. You can either cover the same distance with greater ease, or maintain the same intensity and run farther in the same amount of time.  
Now I just have to keep my legs warmed up, eat real well and get lot’s of rest!  Think of me on race day - May 28th!

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