Thursday, May 12, 2011

A fresh new take on Fiber...
A long way from being called roughage - fiber has become a super food ingredient boasting a range of health benefits, including a lower risk of death from cardiovascular infectious and respirator diseases.  
You need to consume two cups of fruits and a half cup of vegetables per day along with whole grains to get your fill of fiber.  Start thinking about eating more plant-based foods, such as having oatmeal and fruit for breakfast, snacking on nuts, perhaps topping a sandwich with roasted vegetables, or just having a huge salad for lunch.  Just these few hints and you will be on your way to meet your daily needs!
A few more tips:  
Toss your peeler - include the fiber-packed skins on potatoes, carrots, cucumbers and apples - just to name a few!
Load up on legumes - half a cup of cooked beans, peas and lentils delivers anywhere from 4.5 to nearly 10 grams of fiber.  You can always add these to salads, dips and chili!
Go from white to wheat flour products - make sure the first ingredient on the food label is 100% whole wheat, not enriched wheat flour!
25 grams for women 50 or younger
21 grams for women older than 50
38 grams for men 50 or younger
30 grams for men older than 50
Thank you Bob for sharing this article!

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