Thursday, May 19, 2011

Rev Up Your Metabolism...
Losing weight isn’t all about eating less, it’s also about eating more, meaning more nutrition-dense food, to crowd out those empty calories and keep you full all day. That’s important, because restricting food will kill your metabolism. It sends a signal to your body that says, “I’m starving here!” And your body responds by slowing your metabolic rate in order to hold onto existing energy stores. What’s worse, if the food shortage (meaning, your crash diet) continues, you’ll begin burning muscle tissue, which just gives your enemy, visceral fat, a greater advantage. Your metabolism drops even more, and fat goes on to claim even more territory. Here are some no-brainer ways to motivate your metabolism to burn more fat.
  1. Eat some heat!  Spicing it up will also fire up your metabolism.
  2. Breakfast is soooo important - you know that!
  3. Staying Hydrated with cold water can raise resting metabolism by about 50 calories daily)
  4. Get up, Stand up - move away from your desk, or even try standing up and talking on the phone!
  5. Drink Coffee Or Tea - Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant, so your daily java jolts can rev your metabolism by 5 to 8 percent!
Falling Back Asleep Myth
If you wake up in the middle of the night, it's best to lie still and try to fall back asleep. Getting up will only wake you up more. 
If you can't fall back asleep within 15-20 minutes, get out of bed. Go to another room and do something relaxing, like listening to music or reading. If you lie there stressing out about falling back asleep, you'll only get more anxious--and never fall asleep. 
Don’t forget exercise is also important, especially strength training!

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