Monday, May 30, 2011

Heathy Way to Handle Food Cravings...

"WILL POWER" to curb the intake of the foods that I crave. We all want to be able to enjoy these foods. We just want to be able to eat them sanely, not in what feels like an out of control pig-out. We need nutrition skill power (not will power) to learn how to manage today's food supply.  
I wish I could say that I am a good example of this!  I feel I have the nutritional skill power, but I can’t just stop at just one cookie!  I do have those moments where I spin out of control.  It happened just last week!  Bob and I went to brunch at Cafe Ba-Ba Reeba!, a Spanish tapas restaurant.  Granted, it was small plates and for the most part we kept it pretty healthy until my dear friend, the executive chef, started to send out more food!  OMG, we couldn’t insult him and yes it was yummy, but way out of my comfort zone! The items involved had cheese and hollandaise (need I say more) and other stuff that I really do not miss.  Yet, it was an “out of control pig-out.”  
Keep in mind, your brain has a memory for the food you crave. If you try to ignore your craving for, let's say, chocolate, you'll end up eating it sooner or later. This may happen after you've tried to curb your craving with an apple, almonds or a wedge of laughing cow cheese, anything but the chocolate--and then, 500 calories later, you succumb to what you truly wanted. You could have more wisely enjoyed the chocolate in the first place; you would have saved yourself a bunch of calories!
After my “pig-out”,  I did my usual, felt a little guilty, got over it and just ate healthy for the remainder of the day and the rest of the week!  Just another example of my meal to meal plan!

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