Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Something New…

Sometimes all it takes is just getting a new pair of running shoes to get me motivated to go that extra distance!  This season I am trying out a lot of new and different items and I swear it helps me to keep on going and going and going.  With the weight loss I need all new everything!  So, this year I am experimenting running in a running skirt, a pair of really short bike shorts, and running tops with the built in jog bra!  These few new items, that fit the new me, are really keeping me motivated.  As for my training for the 10 miler, I have put in a 7.5 mile run and digging my new things!  I also put together an inspirational running playlist! Whatever it takes, GET MOTIVATED!!!

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Spice it up….

Sriracha chili sauce is the answer to kicking up some heat in your food!  I tend to add this on anything that I want to give a more of an Asian flair to!  Sriracha is made from sun-ripened chilies, which are ground into a smooth paste along with some garlic.  You can’t miss the squeeze bottle at most groceries stores; it has the rooster on the label!  I also love the garlic chili sauce that comes in the jar; it is chunkier and has more garlic and a hint of ginger flavor! How could something so sinfully flavorful be 0 calories?  Beware, if you don’t like spicy, this probably isn’t the product for you!  This will really open up your sinuses! . I have read many times that hot peppers can speed up your metabolism and help the body burn calories faster!

Monday, March 29, 2010

Another Holiday …

OK, we made it through Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas/Hanukah, New Years, Valentine’s Day, St. Patrick’s Day and now it’s Easter/Passover!  Just when you think it’s over – they reel you back in!  Just writing about it is helping me get my willpower mojo back on!  I was a little out of control last week when the little chocolate eggs started to appear!  The pretty pastel, holiday wrapping sure makes them inviting!   Stay away from the chocolate covered bunnies, peeps and jellybeans!  Time to grab the carrots and celery sticks!  Good luck and happy holidays!

This picture always makes me smile…

Friday, March 26, 2010

KALE: The King of Greens…

Try some Kale chips for a great healthy snack and oh so easy!  Bob brought home a bundle of the best looking curly kale and all I did was pick off pieces from the top, laid them out on a sheet pan, sprayed with some EVOO, salt and pepper to taste and baked them in the oven for 10 minutes at 400 degrees.  You can eat them plain or sprinkle over a salad or anything for an extra healthy crunch!

Health Benefits:

- Sulfur-containing phytonutrients may detoxify carcinogenic substances
- Shown to reduce the risk of breast, ovarian, prostate, colon and other cancers
- Rich in beta-carotene and lutein
- May prevent diseases of the skin and eyes
- Excellent source of calcium, magnesium and Vitamins A, B6, C and K
- Supports a healthy immune system

Until Monday… keep thinking of veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Portobello Mushrooms…

Get out your smoker because these mushrooms are so delicious smoked!  To wash or not to wash a mushroom – that is the question?  I usually just wipe off any of the excess dirt that is on any mushroom, trim the stems and go for it!  With the Portobello mushroom, the first thing I do is spoon out the gills, I keep the stem intact; I find the gills give the mushroom a bitter taste!  Spray them with a hint of EVOO, salt and pepper to taste and I add some fresh rosemary (if I have any) and they are a mighty tasty treat that can accompany just about any protein or as tasty appetizer!

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Strength-Training 101…

Here are some very good questions to keep in mind when incorporating weights into your exercise routine.

Q How do you know how much weight to use when you’re just starting out?
A  Choose a weight heavy enough that you can do about 12-15 repetitions.  By the last couple, you should feel challenged enough that you wouldn’t be able to do more without sacrificing form.

Q What’s better: heavy weights and low reps or light weights and high reps?
A  You’ll get the best results if you mix it up.  Using heavier weights with fewer reps will improve strength; lighter weights with more reps improve endurance.  Healthy muscles need both.

Q Do I really need a day of rest in between?
A  You can do cardio, stretching and core (abdominal) exercises every day, but muscles need a day to rest and repair between workouts,  otherwise you run the risk of injuries.

Like I have mentioned in many a blog, I was never much of a fan with the weights, but I have to admit that it has really helped my endurance, keep me tone and build up my muscles and keep off the weight!

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Salad, salad and more salad…

I would have bet, that by now I would be burnt out on salads, but wrong! I still just can’t get enough of them!  Maybe it is the ease of having a single meal all mixed together in a bowl or on a plate (my veggies and protein)!  Maybe it is the stress release at the end of the day to chop away!  Maybe it’s my new chopping board I mentioned yesterday.  Maybe it’s all the different ingredients you can add.  Maybe it’s all the inventive vinaigrettes that I experiment with.  On those days that I have to fend for myself, I just open my refrigerator and see what I have available.  Most of the time you can be rest assured I will have, cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes available! I’m not exactly sure what it is, but I still love my salads!

Monday, March 22, 2010

The Simple Things in Life...

Chop and Scoop Cutting Boards

These unique boards are designed so that slicing, dicing and chopping merge seamlessly into scooping and sliding food off neatly and hassle-free. The non-stick, stain resistant board is non-absorbent so liquids will not penetrate to ruin the surface and the no-slip grip handle makes it comfortable to use. Dishwasher safe. 

I swear these were made specifically for me!  With all the chopping I do these days, this cutting board has made my life easier and cleaner!  Now my chopping efforts land in my bowl and not all over the counter and floor!  Chop away!

Friday, March 19, 2010

Bonus Beauty Tip…

FIX DRY SKIN!  Another added benefit of the wonderful Omega – 3! Faced with dry, flaky skin?  Have fish for dinner!  Fish (especially oily fish like salmon) contains Omega-3 fatty acids, which are great for hydrating and nourishing skin.  Like I have mentioned on numerous occasions – it took me a long time to acquire a taste for salmon and so glad I did!  Planked, smoked, grilled, roasted and even canned - now I just can’t seem to get enough of it!

Until Monday… keep thinking of veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Japanese Sweet potatoes…

Oh what a find!  We all know that sweet potatoes have so much more nutritional value than the white potato.  In the Fall I came across the Japanese sweet potato at out local farmers market and was blown away!  I can’t believe what I spent on these wonderful delights – but so worth it!  I was in heaven when we found them again at Mitsuwa (the Japanese Market in Arlington Heights).  I would simply roast these potatoes.  They barely make it to the table because I start eating them straight out of the oven. They have a delicate sweetness and an almost nutty flavor to them.  They are so flavorful that you do not need to add anything to them!

So grab some when you see them. You can store them loose in a cool drawer or cupboard for a few weeks!

One medium sweet potato delivers more than a day's worth of vitamin A (in the form of beta-carotene), plus 57 percent more fiber and 55 percent more vitamin C than white potatoes.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


Something I really need to focus more on, especially now that I am in training mode for the 10-miler race!  Stretching can really help to keep you injury free!  I tend to just focus on my troubled areas like my knees, but should concentrate more on my entire body!  There are so many benefits to stretching.  Increased flexibility and range of motion, improves circulation, relaxation and stress relief!  It’s all so good for you to help reduce muscle tension and also allows you a much safer and more efficient workout!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Another trip to the Spice House…

A new worthy find - Back of the Yards Garlic Pepper Butcher's Rub. Pepper, garlic and shallots are a tough mix to beat!  I find myself using this blend on just about everything, steaks, ribs, chops, chicken, turkey, burgers, pork chops and vegetables.

“We gave this rub the name "Back-of-the-Yards" in honor of the area of Chicago south of 39th Street, between Halsted and Western Avenues. This part of the city has a proud history as home to many hard-working immigrants who found work in the meat industry and who became the backbone of Chicago.”

Monday, March 15, 2010

Myth Busting….

Olive oils have fewer calories than other fats.  Somehow with all the buzz about the heart- health benefits of olive oil, people forget that it’s still a FAT!  All oils are 100 percent fat and supply basically the same number of calories, about 120 calories per tablespoon.  So even though olive oil contains the “good” monounsaturated fats, be mindful of how much you douse or drizzle!  It really didn’t take much to get used to the oil sprays, and to work around recipes that call for tablespoons of olive oil.  Most of the time a recipes will call for oil for sautéing – just use the spray instead and there you have it – already 120 calories less!  There are so many different brands and flavors they certainly makes life easier!

Friday, March 12, 2010

One of my Secret weapons…

Quindilla Peppers!  Bob found these at Trader Joe’s – of course!  Two peppers are about 10 calories and they have 0 fat and no added sugar and 80mg of sodium! These semi-sweet little peppers are a favorite treat in the Basque County. The thin green peppers are picked early and packed in white wine vinegar creating a tangy and perfectly spicy treat. (They have the heat of something like a banana pepper but the flavor is much richer).  I could put these on just about everything!  Now for my secret, I use one or two of these peppers and about a teaspoon of the juice in my many different vinaigrettes!  It gives the vinaigrettes a nice added heat!  Like I have stated many a time, you can’t go wrong with any kind of experimenting with vinaigrettes!

Until Monday… keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 11, 2010


It’s one of those things that you don’t think about and know you should!  You think you are drinking enough, but are you really?  We all know the importance of water and that we should be drinking at least 8 cups of it a day.  I know I try and some days are better then others and now that I started to train for that 10 miler I HAVE to make a much better effort! Think about it this way: When you're drinking water, you're NOT drinking soda, juice, or another calorie-packed beverages. And here's a fun fact: In one study (albeit it a small one), researchers found that the metabolic rates of study participants went up about 25% after drinking a couple cups of water. So get one of those aluminum or stainless bottles and keep it filled with H2O. My mantra these days is hydrate, hydrate, hydrate!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Welcome back…

Hurray! The path is void of snow and ice.  I know it is only March and hey, it could snow again and probably will (it snowed May 6th 1998, my wedding day), but for now I am able to ride my bike to and from work on a daily basis again.  For my birthday, Bob was able to find the matching fenders and the cool red tires, and he got the bike all tightened up and ready for riding again!  It’s a nice little added workout, about 4 miles to and 4 miles from work!  Using the stationary bike during the off-season really helped keep my legs fit and I didn’t have the hurtful bike butt this year :).  I feel so much more mobile!  Biking is one of the easiest ways to get around this city!  Errands and keeping fit – what could be better!

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oodles of Noodles…

The answer to my prayers - Tofu Shirataki noodles!  These noodles come in three varieties: spaghetti, fettuccine and my favorite – angel hair.  Here is the run down on all the wonderful qualities.
* LOW  CARB - only 3g of carbs per serving
* LOW CALORIE - 20 calories per 4 oz serving
    * NO SUGAR
    * VEGAN

These noodles might take some getting used to.  They have a slight fishy odor when you open the bag and they are a bit on the slippery side.  You need to follow the directions and really rinse them, then bar-boil or microwave before using them.  Another secret I have learned is to cut them!  They tend to clump together.   Again, my favorite is the angel hair.  I use these noodles mostly in soups and some of our more “Asian” type cuisine.  As much as I love pasta these noodles have become a great alternative. As much as I try, my relationship with carbs just doesn’t work! Once in awhile when we feel the need to go “Italian” - I will sacrifice, but I will go for the Belle Terra whole-wheat pasta!  The Shirataki noodles, even the fettuccine, just don’t make the cut!  Give the Shirataki Noodles a try!  You can find them at Whole Foods and of course the Asian Markets in your area!

Monday, March 8, 2010

White Tea vs. Green Tea

During this in-between-weather, when it’s warmer outside yet there is a damp chill in the air I am turning to tea for a quick warm me up!  I allow myself that one-cup of coffee in the morning.  I need that java jolt in the AM!  I am not a big fan of green tea and I have been hearing a lot about white tea.  I went to Argo tea and got the white tea with pomegranate for the EXTRA antioxidants.  The pomegranate made it a little too floral for me, but still tasty.  The green tea left me with that "grassy" aftertaste and found the white tea has a much gentler and subtler taste, smooth and silky and almost sweet. The appearance of correctly brewed white tea has been described as a pale gold, not unlike a young white wine.

Studies have shown that white tea has a concentration of antioxidants that is three times higher than in green tea. Essentially, white tea contains the same concentrations of antioxidants as the young and fresh tea leaf buds that are still attached to the bush. This makes white tea the tea with the highest antioxidant content, which for many is the main reason for drinking white tea. For comparison, one cup of white tea contains approximately twelve (12) times as much antioxidants as fresh orange juice. White tea also contains less caffeine than green tea, about 15 mg per serving compared to the 20 mg for green tea. If caffeine tends to make you jittery, white tea may be the better choice. 
I am trying to add this to a daily routine – 3pm tea time anyone

Friday, March 5, 2010

When I see room in the freezer…

I know it’s time for a weekend of cooking when I see room in the freezer!  This is really what keeps me organized and helps me maintain my great healthy eating!  Once in awhile it may mean a day of cooking, portioning and freezing, but then I know I have what it takes to keep me on track!  It’s hard to find the time in this busy world we live in and it used to be so easy to just pick up the phone and order just about anything, or walk around the corner to the many choices!  Again, it is just a matter of developing good habits and sticking to them.  If you have things readily available in your freezer, it makes life so much easier.  So this weekend I will be making my greens and veggie stew (see blogs; 11/09/09 and 1/11/10). These can accompany any protein that I also might have in my freezer!  When you are out shopping for food for cooking - just think ahead!  Why not cook 2 chicken breasts and freeze the other!  But then again, I am always thinking about my next meal!!!!

Until Monday… keep thinking about veggies and protein!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Have to try…

With all the vegetables that we consume these days, once in awhile we just can’t eat them all or fast enough which lead me into trying these green bags.  I have been very satisfied with them and they have become a lifesaver! I love the fact that they are washable and reusable!

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Soldier Field 10 miler…

Last week I decided I needed a new goal, I signed up for the Soldier Field 10 mile race!  I know I can do it, I just hope my knees can keep up.  I was cheering on some friends last year and besides being inspired, it looked to be a fun, well-organized race and what could be more fun then finishing on the 50-yard line, home of Da Bears!!  Friday, I was able to run a nice steady six miles outdoors and will now work out my running training schedule to keep me on track!  It has been years since I have been involved in the race circuit!  I used to do a 5k almost every weekend to improve my endurance and speed, which lead me eventually to doing the Chicago marathon in 1998!  (I won’t even get into the costs of running these races now days!) During the cold months, I kept up my cardio, mostly on the stationary bike, some treadmill work and the  squats and lunges really helped me build my core strength.  I have now become a firm believer in strength/weight training!  Don’t forget that working those big muscle groups also burns many calories.  Keep up the healthy eating and good workout habits, set some goals and just go for it!  Come and cheer me on, Saturday, May 29th!
For added inspiration you should check out a friend of a friend’s blog…
Eric Rude's Quest - He keeps it real!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Frozen Herbs…

I know what I will be doing with my herb garden this year, but in the meantime what a great find these products has been!  Bob found these at Trader Joe's.  I use the frozen basil and cilantro cubes in all my vinaigrettes for that great extra flavor!  One of my favorite dressings is a light lemon and basil vinaigrette.  It is a great basic recipe and then you can add any spices to kick it up a bit or not.  Like I have mentioned before, my dressings are different every time I make them, but the basics is always starting with a red wine vinegar, sometimes I add rice wine vinegar (unseasoned) or white wine vinegar (all 0 calories).  Then Lemon or mustard are usually my next decision, salt and pepper and then whatever other herbs and spices that interest me at the time.  You just can’t go wrong!

Monday, March 1, 2010


Wow, this product has come a long way!  My first built product was the double wine carrier!  Perfect for BYOB restaurants or just going to a friend’s house for dinner. They also make a great hostess gift!  Now, I don’t know what I would do without my built lunch bag!  Since I have been brown bagging my lunch and snacks everyday, I get to do it with style and safety! These insulated lunch bags are also great for road trips, or any time you're on the run and need provisions to keep you going. It expands to fit a variety of containers, and is machine washable so there's no need to worry about spills. And unlike those brown bags, you'll want to use this tote over and over again.  So many patterns and new products – check out the site!