Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Oodles of Noodles…

The answer to my prayers - Tofu Shirataki noodles!  These noodles come in three varieties: spaghetti, fettuccine and my favorite – angel hair.  Here is the run down on all the wonderful qualities.
* LOW  CARB - only 3g of carbs per serving
* LOW CALORIE - 20 calories per 4 oz serving
    * NO SUGAR
    * VEGAN

These noodles might take some getting used to.  They have a slight fishy odor when you open the bag and they are a bit on the slippery side.  You need to follow the directions and really rinse them, then bar-boil or microwave before using them.  Another secret I have learned is to cut them!  They tend to clump together.   Again, my favorite is the angel hair.  I use these noodles mostly in soups and some of our more “Asian” type cuisine.  As much as I love pasta these noodles have become a great alternative. As much as I try, my relationship with carbs just doesn’t work! Once in awhile when we feel the need to go “Italian” - I will sacrifice, but I will go for the Belle Terra whole-wheat pasta!  The Shirataki noodles, even the fettuccine, just don’t make the cut!  Give the Shirataki Noodles a try!  You can find them at Whole Foods and of course the Asian Markets in your area!

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