Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Strength-Training 101…

Here are some very good questions to keep in mind when incorporating weights into your exercise routine.

Q How do you know how much weight to use when you’re just starting out?
A  Choose a weight heavy enough that you can do about 12-15 repetitions.  By the last couple, you should feel challenged enough that you wouldn’t be able to do more without sacrificing form.

Q What’s better: heavy weights and low reps or light weights and high reps?
A  You’ll get the best results if you mix it up.  Using heavier weights with fewer reps will improve strength; lighter weights with more reps improve endurance.  Healthy muscles need both.

Q Do I really need a day of rest in between?
A  You can do cardio, stretching and core (abdominal) exercises every day, but muscles need a day to rest and repair between workouts,  otherwise you run the risk of injuries.

Like I have mentioned in many a blog, I was never much of a fan with the weights, but I have to admit that it has really helped my endurance, keep me tone and build up my muscles and keep off the weight!

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