Monday, March 15, 2010

Myth Busting….

Olive oils have fewer calories than other fats.  Somehow with all the buzz about the heart- health benefits of olive oil, people forget that it’s still a FAT!  All oils are 100 percent fat and supply basically the same number of calories, about 120 calories per tablespoon.  So even though olive oil contains the “good” monounsaturated fats, be mindful of how much you douse or drizzle!  It really didn’t take much to get used to the oil sprays, and to work around recipes that call for tablespoons of olive oil.  Most of the time a recipes will call for oil for sautéing – just use the spray instead and there you have it – already 120 calories less!  There are so many different brands and flavors they certainly makes life easier!

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