Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Salad, salad and more salad…

I would have bet, that by now I would be burnt out on salads, but wrong! I still just can’t get enough of them!  Maybe it is the ease of having a single meal all mixed together in a bowl or on a plate (my veggies and protein)!  Maybe it is the stress release at the end of the day to chop away!  Maybe it’s my new chopping board I mentioned yesterday.  Maybe it’s all the different ingredients you can add.  Maybe it’s all the inventive vinaigrettes that I experiment with.  On those days that I have to fend for myself, I just open my refrigerator and see what I have available.  Most of the time you can be rest assured I will have, cucumbers, carrots and tomatoes available! I’m not exactly sure what it is, but I still love my salads!

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