Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Soldier Field 10 miler…

Last week I decided I needed a new goal, I signed up for the Soldier Field 10 mile race!  I know I can do it, I just hope my knees can keep up.  I was cheering on some friends last year and besides being inspired, it looked to be a fun, well-organized race and what could be more fun then finishing on the 50-yard line, home of Da Bears!!  Friday, I was able to run a nice steady six miles outdoors and will now work out my running training schedule to keep me on track!  It has been years since I have been involved in the race circuit!  I used to do a 5k almost every weekend to improve my endurance and speed, which lead me eventually to doing the Chicago marathon in 1998!  (I won’t even get into the costs of running these races now days!) During the cold months, I kept up my cardio, mostly on the stationary bike, some treadmill work and the  squats and lunges really helped me build my core strength.  I have now become a firm believer in strength/weight training!  Don’t forget that working those big muscle groups also burns many calories.  Keep up the healthy eating and good workout habits, set some goals and just go for it!  Come and cheer me on, Saturday, May 29th!
For added inspiration you should check out a friend of a friend’s blog…
Eric Rude's Quest - He keeps it real!

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