Friday, April 30, 2010

Coming Soon to a Menu Near YOU...

They've been popping up all over the place: in NYC, in California... And now they're going nationwide. You may not have heard, with all the hubbub about health insurance, but the recently passed health care legislation has laid down a new food-related law: As early as next year, ALL CHAIN RESTAURANTS with 20+ locations will be required to display calorie counts on menus and drive-thru boards. Plus, stats on vending-machine goodies will need to be displayed.  Like I have said many times, I never was big on the fast food chains, or ate a lot of processed foods even before I started eating healthy!  One of my main problems was eating way too many fats – bring on that cheese!  I only hope that this new law will help people make more informed decisions about what they consume!  No more feigning ignorance!  Look for the healthier choices- they will be looking right at you!

Until Monday – keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Food and Moods…

OK, so I feel the difference with lack of exercise, it is truly amazing how I feel when I over indulge and I go off the healthy food wagon!  Sugar will make me goofy, carbs will make me crabby and lack of protein will leave hungry!  All these together will simply put me in a food coma!!!!  Unfortunately, and I hate to admit it, but it does happen, in a moment of weakness I have been known to chose the wrong battle! I deal with the guilt and regret, get over it and move on!  I know I have said this before, and I will most likely say it again, and I now live by it - I go meal-by-meal, no longer day-by-day! 

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Exercise and Moods…

Wow!  I can really feel a difference if I miss a couple of days of exercise!  I am not sure if it is the guilt or just the fact that I do loose a spring in my step!  I don’t know how people who travel a lot do it.  I guess it is like everything else, you get into a routine that works for you.  I have learned traveling is quite stressful for me especially as of late, because I have made two short trips to the west coast in the last 2 weeks!  It’s always questionable about what to eat, when to exercise and all the compromising.  I made time to get to the gym wherever I was, but it was always about time and not the same workout that I would do if I were at home.  At least I got something in! On the “travel” days I got the airport walking in – I didn’t use the moveable walkways!  The hardest part was getting back home and getting back into my daily routine!  It usually took a day or two to get back in the swing of things.  The trips are behind me now and thank God - they didn’t land on my behind!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010


When we were in San Diego a couple of weeks ago, we got my mom a stick blender, to get her on the vinaigrette band wagon, see blog 1/7/10.  Low and behold we experimented with smoothies!  Our first attempt was a success!  We had some fresh blueberries, blackberries and strawberries, fat free Greek yogurt, a few packets of splenda if you want it sweeter and to thin it out we added some fat free lactaid milk (for those of us who have become lactose intolerant).  They were delicious and filling.  The best compliment came from my father who doesn't like yogurt! Go yogurt, particularly the high-protein fat free Greek yogurt that is a great power boosting protein, bone building calcium and a great killer immunity promoter! 

I foresee a lot of refreshing healthy smoothies this summer!

Monday, April 26, 2010


I have re-introduced one of my favorite fruits into my diet!  Now that I have been maintaining my weight, I am slowly, cautiously and moderately bringing back some of my favorites! I will add an avocado to my salad with chilled jumbo shrimp, along with bell peppers, green onions, cucumbers, tomatoes, edamame with one of my oil free vinaigrettes, a nice lemon basil is mighty tasty! As nourishing as avocados are, remember they are also very high in calories and carbohydrates!

Nutritional facts…
Avocados are a good source of vitamin K, dietary fiber, vitamin B6, vitamin C, folate and copper. Avocados are also a good source of potassium: they are higher in potassium than a medium banana.

Although they are fruits, avocados have a high fat content of between 71 to 88% of their total calories - about 20 times the average for other fruits. A typical avocado contains 30 grams of fat, but 20 of these fat grams are health-promoting monounsaturated fats, especially oleic acid.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Hurray, They are at rock bottom prices right now!  But that’s not the only reason to indulge,  turns out they are small, but mighty in providing health benefits!  I can’t get enough of them right now! A serving of strawberries is only a mere 50 calories!  My waistline likes that ALOT!!!  I have been indulging just about every night, a cup of strawberries, a heaping of Greek fat free yogurt and I have my dessert fix!

Strawberries are rich in Vitamin C.  That one serving (about eight medium-sized berries) provides 160 percent of the total daily requirement of Vitamin C.  They are also loaded with potassium, which has been linked with lowering blood pressure.  Also, strawberries can help combat the blotchy redness of acne scars and provide relief for acid reflux, among other health problems.

Until Monday - keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, April 22, 2010

On The Go….

The stress of traveling!  There aren’t many solutions.  I make sure I have my snack pack of almonds, get some fruit at the airport, drink plenty of water and have some sugar free gum on hand – these items have become my traveling buddies!  There just aren’t many healthy choices at the airport and I never was into “airplane” food, unless I am fortunate enough to fly first class where you actually do have a choice! I am even investigating what is available in the terminal I will be flying out of!  NOT MUCH!  I did read a fascinating article on "the unhealthiest foods at the mall."  I think you can use this strategy at the airport as well. There is even an iPhone app "eat this and not that".  It's still all bad, but in a pinch there are ways around it!
Here is an example:
Worst Sandwich
Panera Bread - All-natural pepper-mustard chicken, smoked bacon, smoked cheddar, tomatoes & ancho-chipotle spread on Artisan French bread
990 calories 56 g fat (15 g saturated, 1 g trans) 2370 mg sodium
Eat this instead
Panara  Bread- 99% fat-free smoked turkey breast, leaf lettuce, tomatoes and red onions with mayonnaise, spicy mustard, salt and pepper, all served on your favorite sandwich bread.
560 calories
17 g fat (2.5 g saturated)
1960 mg sodium

Even before I started watching what I eat I personally have pretty much stayed away from any and most of the fast food chains, mostly because they are so high in fats and sodium and so processed!  You can lower the calories even more by eliminating any cheese, any kind of sauce and of course go for the whole wheat bread whenever you can! I know there isn't a Panera Bread at the airport; I will be on the search for any healthy choices for future travel! 

I just had a brainstorm – PBJ’s! Smear of almond butter and a low cal, low sugar jam on protein bread! A sandwich that doesn’t need to be kept chilled and that will help me get me through another 4-hour flight!

Happy Trails....

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Strength training…

I just read this in Shape Magazine and I started this week!

“Put a couple of bucks in a jar every time you hit the weights.  After a few months of regular workouts, you’ll have enough cash to buy yourself a reward, like a smaller pair of jeans!”

I am really getting ready for the summer and can’t wait to go sleeveless, I am proud to show off my arms!  Pick up those weights!!!!

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I wasn’t Dreaming…

I actually heard Bob say, “I really don’t miss butter”.  I almost fell off my chair!  This was music to my ears!  Therefore, the saying “everything tastes better with butter” is no longer true in our house.  Just walk into any spice store and the aromas will fill your head with many new ideas for cooking and believe me; your food will be just as flavorful without the butter!  It still amazes me when I do go out to a restaurant that everything is saturated in butter.  For example, I still don’t understand why you would take a beautiful filet mignon and pour a ladle of butter over it before serving!  It just masquerades the flavor of the beef!  Stay away from the butter, go to your local spice shop and I swear you will have a new appreciation for flavoring your food!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Call Me the Bean Snob…

I was recently asked the question about why I ordered my Chipotle salad without the beans and realized that I really am a bean snob!  Beans are a great source of protein, but remember they are also high in calories, therefore portions are important!  I am not a fan of canned beans (never was) and that means getting the dried beans and going through the whole process of soaking and cooking them!   The good new is that you can cook them in abundance, portion them out and freeze for future use!  I eliminate them at restaurants because I don’t know how they are cooked.  I know that Bob used to make our beans with ham hocks, which used to just add more salt and fat to the cooking! Now we just make them with onions, maybe some garlic and a few spices before we freeze them, because we can always add more when we have them for the future!  I love adding black beans to my salad, and I know that they are made with extra love!

Black Beans are a wonderful source of dietary fiber which has been shown to naturally help lower cholesterol. In addition, the high fiber content in Black Beans helps keep blood sugar levels from rising too rapidly after a meal, making them a wise choice for people with diabetes, insulin resistance or hypoglycemia. When Black Beans are prepared with whole grains such as barley or wild rice, the Black Beans provide a virtually fat-free, high quality source of protein. But that's not all.  Recent research also shows that Black Beans are rich in antioxidants as well. Antioxidants destroy free radicals, and when eaten regularly, have been shown to offer protection against heart disease, cancer and aging.

Friday, April 16, 2010


Calories eaten at night are more fattening.
It is the total calories that count, not the time of day you eat
them! There is no "witching hour" that makes food more likely to
adhere to your hips! It really matters what you eat during the course
of the day. Excess calories from any source, eaten at any time, will
be stored as fat unless you burn them off. With that said, stopping
nighttime snacking can be an effective diet strategy! It reduces the
amount of high-cal junk food we typically eat in front of the TV after
dinner! I am the typical offender of the dinner and TV routine. I
typically just have a healthy dessert after dinner and was never much
of a junk food junkie! I just need the sweets! If I do feel the
urge, I pick up my knitting needles to distract me from any
temptations, and continue to watch TV!

Until Monday... keep thinking protein and veggies!

Thursday, April 15, 2010


I can’t believe I haven’t even touched on this mighty vegetable yet!  I am a fortunate lover of broccoli and it has become our stand-by vegetable.  If nothing else looks good at the market, the broccoli always does!  It is just such a versatile veggie.  You can use it in dips, casseroles, soups, salads, stir-fry, frittatas, omelets or just plain steamed with some lemon!  If there is any leftover, I will freeze and use it for future dishes.

The many benefits of broccoli; the abundance of antioxidants makes it one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat.  Aside from its anti-cancer properties such as sulforaphane, broccoli is a nutritional powerhouse that contains vitamin A, C and K, as well as folate and fiber.  Has antibacterial properties that kill helicobacter pylori, bacteria that cause ulcers and play a role in stomach cancer.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

An Ideal week...

This is my exercise routine I strive for in the spring and summer.  During the Winter I did much more weight training and used our stationary bike.  I am so happy that the ice and all reminisce of snow are gone and I can partake in outdoor activities! For now I am trying to do weights 3 times a week, but I have increased my reps. So far (since March 11th) I have been able to ride my bike to and from work everyday.  That gives me a bonus of approximately 3.50 miles and depending on the wind approximately 15-25 minutes of exercise 2 times a day!   I have included the dates of past blogs for my weight training exercises that have been working for me!  I am constantly testing out new exercises, but the ones below are easy and what have shown remarkable results!
3-5 mile run (depending on time)
125-175 crunches
ride my bike to and from work
30 minutes on the stationary bike (I can get some reading time in and keeps my legs loose)
All my weight training exercise (see below for blog date details)
125-200 crunches,
50-70 Madonna arms,
30 squats
30 triceps
50 hallway lunges
50-80 crossovers
15-20 counter presses
Ride my bike to and from work
3-5 mile run and crunches
Bike to and from work
Bike to and from work (early day at work)
30 minutes on stationary bike
All my weight training exercises
bike to and from work
A long run 6-10 miles
Usually there are bike errands involved during the day, which is good because it really loosens up my legs from the long run
I try to get a walk in or do errands on my bike and all my weight exercises

To see exercise details:
11/11/09 – Madonna arms
11/18/09 – crossovers
11/25/09 – crunches
12/16/09 – squats
12/23/09 – hallway lunges
12/30/09 – triceps
1/6/10 – counter presses

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


I am not fan of the fast food chains, but one of my coworkers won a Chipotle Mexican Grill lunch for his favorite ten people!  Hurray for me I was included.  It was a dilemma until I really studied the menu!  Here is what I did…
Romaine lettuce with choice of beans, meat, salsa & cheese, with freshly made chipotle-honey vinaigrette. 
Marinated for hours in our chipotle adobo, then grilled.
Fresh Tomato
tomatillo-green chilies. 

I got the salad bowl without the beans, cheese and dressing, added the steak, and both salsas, and voila! My fast food healthy version.  I am sure there was more olive oil then I would normally opt for in the salsa and whatever the steak was marinated in, but all in all I think I made some very wise choices and was able to partake in a free lunch!  It can be done!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Thank Goodness for my Grill Master - Bob…
(I really need to get over my grilling phobia!)

Green Onions, Spring Onions, Scallions or Ramps, whatever you want to call them - grilled, they are just like eating candy to me!

Ramps are a wild onion also known as a wild leek. Scallions are young onions that are harvested when their tops are still green and are also called green onions. Spring onions have larger bulbs and make a showing only in May and June.

In Season: Although they are available all year, scallions are at their peak in spring and summer. Spring onions are available in May and June. Ramps can be found from March to June.

I love them in my salad, or as any side dish, for any meal!  They are lucky to make it to my plate!  I just love the taste and flavors that grilling can add to just about any food!

Friday, April 9, 2010

Sorry, I am unable to download my blog today!
Lot's to report on Monday.
Until Monday...  keep thinking veggies and protein!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Ruby Red Grapefruits …

After about a month or so when I started my new healthy way of life, I asked my Guru if I could start to eat some fruit.  I had a list of do’s and don’ts!  I didn’t ask too many questions and followed her advice because everything was working out so beautifully.  One of the interesting things was I could have grapefruit (I prefer the ruby red) and not oranges.  I think it is because grapefruits have that touch of bitterness versus the sweetness of the orange that could trigger my sweet tooth.  It will always be a battle for me to conquer the craving for sweets and therefore I remain true to the grapefruit! 

Health benefits
According to health care professionals, consuming just half a grapefruit is enough to provide a substantial defense against many ailments, ranging from the common cold to cancer. This fruit is a potent source of vitamin C, which is a major antioxidant. The red variety of the grapefruit contains additional benefits in the form of lycopene and vitamin A. These are both significant antioxidants, which further boost the immune system in the fight against cancer.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

No Pain No Gain…

We have all heard it before!  This is the time of year many people really get serious about working out!  January was the New Year resolution, now it is bikini/show off your body time! The weather is great and you just want to be outside!   As you dig into a new fitness regimen, the discomfort of exercise can be, well, uncomfortable.  The burning muscles and gasping for air can fell desperate.  Start off slow and easy, as you increase your exercise it will just get easier!  Don't give up training because you think the early discomfort is a signal you aren't cut out for exercise.  The truth is, EVERYONE is cut out for exercise!

Some scientists now believe that your body signals you to stop exercise well before the point of exhaustion, to keep a little in reserve in case you need to it!  But each time you can motivate yourself to push through that point, your body sets the limit a little higher.  Continuing to exercise actually will "immunize" you against the discomfort you feel when you first start out!

Time is of the essence for me and my training for the 10 miler in May!  I really did push through my long run on Sunday!  I set out with a goal to do 8-9 miles, and that extra push and the song "Dancing in the Streets" by Martha Reeves got me to do the complete 10 miles!  It wasn't easy, but I felt great knowing I surpassed my goal!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Welcome Spring…

Springtime, grilling, asparagus these are some of my favorite things.  You think you know asparagus, that harbinger of spring?  Did you know that asparagus is a member of the lily family, along with onions and garlic?  Did you know that asparagus can grow up to 10 inches in a 24-hour period? 
Here are some other facts you may find surprising and things you always wanted to know but were afraid to ask!

1. Asparagus historically was heralded as an aphrodisiac, probably because of its phallic shape.

2. Recent research suggests easting asparagus can help ease the pain of the dreaded hangovers and protect liver cells against alcohol’s toxins: It boosts levels of key enzymes that break down the alcohol.

3. About 40 percent (me included) of people experience strong smelling urine after eating asparagus, a sulfurlike odor that results from the digestion of certain amino acids, some people are genetically unable to smell the odiferous urine.

4. Five ounces of asparagus contain 60 percent of the recommended daily intake of folic acid, which prevents heart disease and birth defects.  Other possible benefits include preventing cancer and urinary tract infections, easing arthritic pain.

Monday, April 5, 2010

Our Combo Passover/Easter Feast…

Who would of ever thought that it would be 75 degrees and sunny in Chicago on Easter!  Bob got off work early and came home and grilled up a storm!  We feasted on grilled leg of lamb, rubbed with all our favorite spices, grilled asparagus, white onions, green onions and red peppers.  This menagerie will all be added to a salad with tomatoes, cucumbers, avocado, carrots and fat free feta cheese.  A light vinaigrette with lemon, oregano, cilantro and whatever else happens to cross my path!  A nice glass of Malbec and there you have it – a healthy holiday feast to remember!  OK – I guess I will mention that I went to my favorite pasty shop – Fritz, to get some delicious macaroons – they were just way too Easter looking to resist and my new favorite sweet in the world!  To ease the guilt – it’s a holiday treat and I rewarded myself because I ran 10 miles in the morning!  Enough said!

Friday, April 2, 2010

When it comes to protein, don't fool yourself, "fuel" yourself…

Build a protein-based breakfast into your morning breakfast routine and make sure you get protein throughout the day.  I do have an egg or two (omega 3 eggs) just about every morning, with either my greens or a slice of protein bread, or sometimes both!

Animal protein sources provide all of the essential amino acids so they are called complete proteins. People who eat meat, fish, dairy products, or eggs get all of the essential amino acids each time they eat any of these protein sources.

Vegetarians and vegans rely on plant proteins to get their amino acids. Soy contains all of the essential amino acids, but other plant protein sources are incomplete proteins, meaning that they don't provide all of the essential amino acids.

Protein is what helps me from getting hungry throughout the day and keeps me “fueled”.  I always have a protein in any of my salads, or as part of any of my three major meals a day, whether it is for lunch or dinner, it’s what sustains me!  Unfortunately I have to stay away from the cheese and a lot of dairy, not only because of the high fat content, but because I have learned throughout my weight loss process that I have become lactose intolerant!!!!

Until Monday…keep thinking protein and veggies!

Thursday, April 1, 2010

Cool as a cucumber…

The phrase "cool as a cucumber" is not without merit. This vegetable's high water content gives it a very unique moist and cooling taste. 

The flesh of cucumbers is primarily composed of water but also contains ascorbic acid (vitamin C) and caffeic acid, both of which help soothe skin irritations and reduce swelling. The cucumbers' hard skin is rich in fiber and contains a variety of beneficial minerals including silica, potassium and magnesium.

Like I have mentioned so many times, I love salads and cucumbers have become a staple in my refrigerator.  Besides all the health benefits, I just simply love the cool, fresh crunch they add to my salad.  Remember those little cucumber sandwiches that are served as appetizers, or think about those little tea sandwiches!  Sometimes I will spread a wedge of laughing cow light cheese on a slice of protein bread and slice up some cucumbers and voila! a tasty little afternoon tea time snack!